30 Days Wild 2021 – Day 23 – Nature Walk – Tree Moss

When out on a walk you may often see moss growing on the sides of a tree. The bark provides a great anchor for this plant to grow and it creates small micro wildernesses as it does.

There is a saying that it grows on the North facing side of a tree, however that’s not entirely true – the Natural Navigator (Tristan Gooley) has a great article on this topic that’s worth a read.

There are many different species of moss in the UK to list. This article from the woodland trust covers a few of these species:

  • Common haircap (Polytrichum commune)
  • Silky forklet moss (Dicranella heteromalla)
  • Swan’s-neck thyme moss (Mnium hornum)
  • Common tamarisk moss (Thuidium tamariscinum)
  • Glittering wood moss (Hylocomium splendens)
  • Springy turf moss (Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus)
  • Sphagnum species

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